AIRA Submits Input on the United Nations Pact for the Future.

In just 4 months – from September 22-23 – the United Nation’s Summit of the Future will be held. Described as a “once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global governance”, the Summit of the Future will witness the adoption of an intergovernmental-negotiated action-oriented Pact for the Future.Today and tomorrow, the 2024 UN Civil Society Conference is being held in Nairobi, Kenya and will result an ImPACT for the Future outcome. To feed into this, the UN-SCS called for inputs from “‘ImPACT Coalitions” on the Pact for the Future.

The African Internet Rights Alliance (AIRA) has reviewed the Zero Draft of the Pact for the Future and we have submitted our input for the Pact to be better inclusive, impactful and innovative especially as it concerns human rights and digital technologies.

Cognisant of an operating environment where state excesses have posed threats to Internet freedom and human rights online in Africa, we provide this civil society input informed by lived realities. In our submitted response we address internet shutdowns, cybersecurity and surveillance technologies, the use of autonomous weapons, online gender-based violence, accountability of Big Tech, digital literacy and inclusion for youth and equitable funding for the effective participation of stakeholders of developing countries in global internet governance.

You are invited to study and share our Alliance’s input.